
bu adam yuksekogrenime ilk basladiginda burs cikmisti ogrenim kredisi yerine sonra ortalama durumlari falan yuzunden bursu kesildi ogrenime donusturuldu. iki sene sonra gotunde 10 milyara patlayacak bu hatasi.

3 thoughts on “nbh_

  1. a young boy is sitting at home doing his homework, when a question
    arises that he can't answer, so he asks his father who is sitting
    nearby. "dad, what's the difference between theory and reality?". dad
    thinks for a moment then says, "well here's an example, go ask your
    mom if she would screw the neighbor for a million bucks."

    "but i'll get in trouble, dad" the boy says.

    "no, no it'll be alright just ask her."

    so he does and mom gets flustered and says, "how dare you say
    something like that" and it dawns on her so she says right
    after, "but for a million dollars, hell yes i would".

    so he reports back to dad and he says "ok, now go ask your sister the
    same question."

    "but dad she's gonna get mad."

    "don't worry, i'll cover you it will be alright, just ask her."
    replied the dad.

    so he does, sister reacts same as mother but in the end she says, "of
    course i would for a mill ion bucks!"

    so once again the boy reports back to dad and he says, "well, there
    you have the answer son. theoretically speaking, you and i are
    millionares but in reality, we're just living with a couple of

  2. dostum paylaşım için teşekkürler. yalnız ben burada babaya biraz sinirlendim. onu da söyleyeyim. çocuk ödevine bunu mu yazacak şimdi. tövbe estağfurullah. bak buna içilir ha. bi tequila sunrise iyi gider. öncesinde bira içmek lazım. hadi ben kaçtım. artık 2. cadde mi olur 3.cadde mi bilemem. hangisinin happy hours kısmında bahçelide olursam. orası beni ilgilendirmez. :*

    yazıya dönecek olursak. ah be nbh_ ne güzel de geliyodu paralar. dur hele bir vakıfbanka bakalım. belki yanlışlıkla yatırmışlardır 😀

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